You Helped Pave the Way for the Biggest Bible Translation Event Ever!

Wycliffe Associates

We’ve never seen anything like it: over 400 national Bible translators, representing 10 language groups, all with one common goal of bringing God’s translated Word to their people.
The two-week MAST (Mobilizing Assistance Supporting Translation) workshop—our biggest Bible translation event ever—took place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) earlier this year. This war-torn country has been plagued by civil violence for years. The people have suffered greatly, with countless families being forced to leave their homes and flee for safety.
But the fruit of the MAST workshop could change the country’s spiritual and cultural landscape. That’s because eight of the 10 translation teams completed the New Testament in their heart languages, and the other two only have a couple of chapters left to complete!
Imagine, Christ’s message of love, grace, and redemption is now available to millions of people who have never been able to read His life-transforming Word in their mother tongue! The icing on the cake is that during the workshop, translators from various tribes worked side by side in unity as the Holy Spirit eliminated barriers and brought reconciliation.
Thank you for your important role in making workshops like this possible. And please pray that God’s newly translated Word will deeply transform hearts and lives across the DRC.