You Gave Them the Power They Need to Share the Power of the Scriptures

Wycliffe Associates

A few months ago, we reported about the two destructive cyclones that struck the island of Madagascar, causing massive flooding and widespread power outages that lasted for weeks. It appears the Enemy was trying hard to thwart the tremendous Bible translation progress that has transpired for the Plateau Malagasy language group over the past two years.
In that time, numerous Bible translation workshops were held, and all but six books of the New Testament were translated into Plateau Malagasy! Our team was in the process of installing a Print on Demand system to make physical copies of the translated Scriptures when the tropical storms hit and power was lost. But the cyclones were no match for our heavenly Father.
God worked through the generosity of friends like you to provide a high-efficiency power generator. This allowed our team to complete the installation of the printing system so translators could print their newly translated Scriptures and continue translating the remaining books of the New Testament.
The Plateau Malagasy translators are now working on the Old Testament and have completed many books so far. What’s more, they have become so adept at Bible translation that they are now training translators in surrounding areas. Praise God!