You Are an Answer to Prayer

Tim Neu

I’ll never forget one particular trip with Wycliffe Associates. Reaching the destination would require traveling through unsafe territories. As I left the airport here in Orlando, I was feeling unsettled and asked God to calm my spirit.
During a short layover as I walked through the terminal, I heard a familiar voice and turned to see my son-in-law Jeff, who is a pilot. Of all the airports and terminals he could have been in that day, he was right there in front of me—a welcome sight and an answer to prayer for calm.
That experience was another reminder that God often works through people to answer our prayers.
This is certainly the case frequently at Wycliffe Associates, where we see again and again how God uses friends like you to answer our prayers in a variety of ways.
You come alongside us and help shoulder our financial needs, enabling us to advance Bible translation and eternally impacting people without God’s Word. You shower this ministry with your prayers, which are truly priceless. Your partnership gives us the ability to celebrate the successes of our partners in the field as they work to complete the translation of God’s Word in their own languages. All possible because of God’s provision through your stewardship.
It is my prayer that you grasp just how grateful we are for you as we press forward together, mentoring, discipling, and assisting Christians worldwide with Church Owned Bible Translation.
Thank you for standing with us as we seek to give God our very best. And thank you for being an answer to prayer for our brothers and sisters around the world who are also giving God their best by translating His holy Word for their people.
Blessings in Him,
Tim Neu