Wycliffe Associates
I recently received a page of Scripture from an African language group that has been working to complete their Bible translation. As I read this page of their Scriptures—the first few verses of the Book of John—I was overcome with joy that these Christians have now finished translating the New Testament for their people!
Now, imagine holding your Bible in your hand and reading those words of life for the very first time. This is the joy that multitudes of people from this language group are experiencing now! They’ve waited their whole lives to see God’s Word in their own heart language, and finally, for the first time ever, they can experience the power of the Word fully, freely . . . without any language barriers.
This happens through technology for national Bible translators—we call it TNT.
Here is how it works: We deploy computers, loaded with specialized Bible translation software, and provide the training to use it, equipping national translators through local churches to translate the Bible themselves. TNT gives translators access to a wide-ranging library of translation resources to ensure accuracy and enable them to collaborate across borders with other translators online.
And it is truly making a difference in Bible translation around the world!
A translation event, held by believers in Uganda, hosted three new languages. Believers from a primarily Muslim language group were there, and a sheik, a local leader from this group, attended!
This leader wanted to hear more about God’s Word and was interested in bringing the gospel to his people . . . a miraculous work of God’s hand!
Everyone was impressed by the sheik and how eager he was to see the Bible translation project moving forward. They were even more surprised when he raised the idea of inviting more seekers to learn about God’s Word because he believed their hearts would be changed by the Bible through the translation process.
The seeds of the gospel were planted during that translation event. We know that God’s Word will never return void!
Isaiah 55:10-11 says: “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
With a local pastor and other team members from a neighboring country leading this translation event, many hearts were open and able to receive God’s Word. Some were exposed to Scripture for the first time in their lives, while others had been waiting generations for this moment.
And, still, hundreds more communities outside of Uganda wait . . . yearning for God’s Word in their heart language . . . many of them located in places of the world where having Scripture would most likely lead to death.
This workshop combined technology training and guidance towards the most efficient translation techniques!
TNT means they can work remotely—secretly and safely—where forces strive to stop the advance of the gospel. In the face of such persecution, such remorseless oppression, such danger, they need the comfort, the strength, that can only come from knowing God’s Word deeply. They need Scripture in their own heart language . . . and they need it now!
I know you are passionate about God’s Word, and because of your dedication to sharing it with others, you wouldn’t want anyone to have to live their lives without the hope found in Scripture. So, would you prayerfully consider how you can help provide the tools and training these national Bible translators need? You can come alongside these brothers and sisters—financially—to provide the technology tools they need to translate God’s Word into their heart language.
Your gift today will equip local churches to lead their own Bible translation efforts and pass on their learnings and techniques to surrounding language groups, too. TNT in remote areas helps not just one language group, but many.
Thank you for your response of Christ-like compassion today!