When Tragedy Struck, You Were There

Wycliffe Associates

Benita is not just a Bible translator for a language group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The 60-year-old woman with a huge heart is also a mom to 13 orphaned children.
So you can imagine her terror when she was awakened in the wee hours one night by raging flames and billowing smoke. How would she get all the kids out safely?
By the grace of God, everyone escaped without injury. But the fire and smoke destroyed all the family’s belongings. Clothes, shoes, beds, school bags, cookware, and school uniforms all went up in flames.
A local pastor, who is also a Wycliffe Associates translation partner, took the entire family into his home because they had nowhere to go. He fed them and bought the children shoes. Then he reached out to Wycliffe Associates to see if we could help.
Through our Emergency 911 Fund—established through the generosity of caring partners like you—Wycliffe Associates provided this hurting family with clothes, school uniforms, mattresses, blankets, hygiene supplies, and all the kids’ school fees.
For the first time since the fire, Benita smiled when she learned of these gifts to her family.
She was deeply touched that people would give from their hearts to help her and the children. “May God be glorified,” she said. “May Wycliffe Associates be blessed. Thank you for all your prayers to God on my behalf.”
Please join us in praying for God’s continued provision for her and her family.
Pray too that the Bible translation project that is near and dear to Benita’s heart will continue strong. The team recently completed the books of Genesis, Joshua, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, and 1 and 2 Kings. Thanks to your support, they continue to make wonderful progress on the Old Testament.