When Tragedy Struck, You Showered Eveline’s Family with God’s Love

Wycliffe Associates

For Eveline, it was a gathering like so many before. She and her husband, a pastor and national Bible translator, had opened their home to a number of local believers for a time of fellowship, praise, and prayer. She never could have envisioned the horror that was about to take place—that before the night was over, extremists would ambush their home and brutally kill five people, including her husband.
During the brutal attack, Eveline suffered severe head injuries from a machete and had one of her hands severed. Her three children witnessed the nightmarish events unfold before their eyes. In the weeks and months that followed, much healing would need to take place—physical, emotional, and spiritual—and partners like Wycliffe Associates supporters were quick to help.
Through your support of our Emergency 911 fund, we were able to cover Eveline’s hospital bills, provide trauma counseling, and move her and her children out of the community to a safe location.
Your generosity even helped her start a small retail business selling food items and basic household goods so she can provide for her family. What a beautiful example of how the body of Christ is meant to function.
Eveline’s story provides a snapshot of the violence and persecution that has overtaken Cameroon. Sadly, this was once a peaceful country that was open to Bible translation efforts. In fact, our very first Bible Translation Acceleration Kits, which equip national translators with computer tablets and solar panels to help in their work, were deployed to Cameroon. Now the enemy is doing everything possible to prevent Bible translation from moving forward and to thwart Christianity.
Please join us in praying that God will move in miraculous ways in Cameroon. Pray that the Holy Spirit will intervene on behalf of the precious people of this country so they can one day read about the hope found in Jesus Christ.