“We will never forget this day!”

Wycliffe Associates

You are having an amazing impact in the lives of people all around the world through your support of Bible translation. A dedication ceremony was held by the Dau* people of Myanmar to celebrate the much-anticipated translation and printing of the New Testament in their heart language. They also were celebrating generous friends like you who helped make it all possible.
Here’s what a few of these grateful brothers and sisters in Christ had to share:
"Now that we have the Bible in our language, our joy and happiness is beyond expression. Now we can read the Bible and be able to praise the Lord!" — Rev. M Ki*
"To have the Bible in our own language is the most precious thing for me and for my people. Thank you everyone in Wycliffe Associates for making it possible." — S Le*
"Having the Bible in my own language is a key to unlock spiritual and physical treasure from the Lord." — D Tg*
"I never imagined having the Bible in our language. But because God is so gracious toward us, He uses Wycliffe Associates so we have the New Testament in our language. Thank you, and God bless you." —T Ng*
"May God bless those who participated in the translation financially and with prayer." — S Ng*
Thank you for the vital role you play in taking God’s translated Word to Myanmar and around the world!
*Names changed for security purposes