Devotion: "We Believe Your Jesus!"

Wycliffe Associates

Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. - John 5:24
The excitement was palpable. A Bible translation workshop had finally come to this Southeast Asian community, and the local church couldn’t wait to begin. But four Muslim men also arrived at the workshop which immediately alarmed the lead trainer. He asked the church leaders why they had invited them. The church leaders assured him that they had prayed and God had told them to invite them to the workshop.
The four Muslims were supervised by Dr. F,* a former Baptist pastor and seminary president. They diligently immersed themselves in the Word of God and each day they asked Dr. F about Jesus.
Being well-schooled in the Scriptures, Dr. F could have just rattled off the answers to his students’ questions. But he had a better idea. Instead, each day he assigned them specific Bible verses to translate into their mother tongue—passages that answered their questions.
One particular day, after translating the verses Dr. F gave them, the four men came to him and said, “It is amazing! We believe your Jesus!” God’s Word in their heart language had reached their souls with truth, love, and grace. At the end of the workshop, they asked Dr. F to baptize them.
For these Muslim men, reading the Bible in their mother tongue made the person of Jesus come alive to them. When we immerse ourselves in Scripture, regularly reading and studying God’s Word, it will indeed answer every question we have about who Jesus is and why he gave His life for us.
Join us in Prayer:
Dear Lord, help me to remember those who long to have the Bible in their mother tongue, so they can hear Your words and believe in Jesus. In Jesus’s name. Amen.
*Name changed for security reasons.