Watch for the Hurting Whom God Sends Your Way

Wycliffe Associates

I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ - Ephesians 3:17–18
Calixte, who had grown up in a Muslim home, looked around to see who had called out. There was no one. Once more he gripped the doorknob of the church exit, desperate to return home and take his life. He had already purchased the pills. Calixte was allowed to use the church’s instruments, and he wanted to play the guitar one last time before ending it all. Again, he heard the voice he would later come to understand as the Holy Spirit: “Don’t go!” Calixte knew in his heart that he wasn’t just hearing things. He looked around, but there was only a small prayer group huddled on the other side of the building.
That’s when one of the Christians looked up, saw the puzzled look on Calixte’s face, and quietly invited him to join them. As the group prayed for Calixte, he felt God’s peace and love wash over him. And when they shared their own testimonies, he knew he wanted what they had. So, he prayed to receive Christ.
Calixte, now a pastor, works with our translation partner in Burkina Faso to train new Bible translators. Pastor Calixte speaks six languages, and through MAST training workshops he has helped four language groups complete their translation of the New Testament in less than a year! Soon these language groups will have the entire Bible in their heart languages.
Join us in Prayer:
Dear Jesus, please help me share the gospel with someone who needs Your love and forgiveness. Show me those who are hurting, and help me notice those moments when You bring someone in my path to share Your love. Amen.