Volunteer Opportunity: International Field Trainers Needed!

Tim Neu

We have a new opportunity for volunteers who have served and travelled with Wycliffe Associates in the past. Dynamic field trainers are needed to support our global Discipleship team as they cast the vision of Church Owned Bible Translation. You have seen the life-changing power of the Bible in one’s own heart language—and with this project you can have a direct role.
International Field Trainers will learn the established training curriculum, which is modular in order to meet the needs of each local translation team, and then travel 2-4 times each year to train our national translation partners. They will also teach future trainers to meet the growing demand in the field.
Requirements for our International Field Trainers:
- Embrace the vision of Church Owned Bible Translation. We recognize that God empowers the local church to translate and affirm the quality of Scripture in their mother tongue. We serve the local church, equipping national Bible translators with the tools and training they need to answer God’s call to have the Bible in every language.
- Cross-cultural communications/ministry experience, having served and travelled with Wycliffe Associates in the past.
- Agility to adapt to conditions in the field and to find creative ways to overcome the unique challenges our partners face.
- Teamwork is essential, as Field Trainers must work closely with regional directors who have fostered relationships with our global partners and with local church leaders who are leading their communities and their neighbors in Bible translation.
If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about this opportunity to advance Bible translation as an international field trainer, please email us or call Jennifer Cunneen toll-free at 1-800-THE WORD (800-843-9673). Jennifer will provide you with more details about the position.
Thank you for praying and sharing this opportunity within your circles of influence to help us involve more people in Bible translation.