Christians traveling in the dark of night only illuminated by the moon. They are traveling in the woods with only necessities on their backs.

In Southeast Asia, there is a place of extreme spiritual darkness, a place where Christians are a tiny minority in the nation. The ruling authorities are so hostile to Christianity that we cannot share the name of the country because it would endanger lives.


A military faction has seized control of the government and has begun forcibly conscripting all able-bodied males ages 18 to 35 into military service. The forces in power then mount a massive ongoing assault on Jesus followers.


To survive, believers have fled their homes and villages. They are hiding out in the jungles, establishing makeshift refugee camps, struggling to survive.


Yet even as these believers are enveloped by constant misery and danger and struggle simply to survive, they cling to a common goal of one day having the tools and training to finally translate the Scriptures into the heart languages of their people.

Word reached these groups of highly persecuted Christians that there is a strategy to equip underground churches and teams of believers to personally translate Scriptures into their own languages. They learned that other language groups are actively translating God’s Word into languages where it has never existed before... and they’ve heard God is at work in the regions where translations are under way—because people’s lives can be transformed by the power of the Truth when they encounter God’s Word in a language they can truly understand.


Our brothers and sisters exhibit deep faith and courage, especially knowing that in one area where Bible translation was already under way, attacks forced Christians—including children and expectant mothers—to flee. “We do not know where they are,” a team member reports. “They left all of their possessions and fled on foot.”


Still, these believers stand strong in their faith and in their commitment to one day share God’s Word with their people. They know that the Truth of the Scriptures is their nation’s only hope.




Eight language groups in this extremely dangerous region are willing to risk everything for the chance to bring God’s Word to life. All they need is the technology—specialized laptops, Bible translation software, and the training to use them.


Wycliffe Associates has the strategy to reach these isolated groups of Christians who are committed to sharing the Scriptures with their people—to safely, secretly give them the training and the resources needed to work under the radar.


Launching Bible translation projects among these people groups is fraught with challenges, but these Christians trust that God will bless their translation projects and that newly translated Scripture will transform lives for families, villages, whole regions, and perhaps an entire nation so the Christians there can worship freely and joyfully.




Christian believers are suffering in astonishing ways in this country that cannot be named. Those who have seized power are fanatically anti-Christian. Persecution of Christians is relentless, and it is vicious.


But our strategies to reach these language groups are solid and the believers are ready now—more than ready. To delay another month or year may find the landscape entirely changed.


The door is open today to reach national Bible translators in one of the most dangerous places on Earth with tools, training, and technology... plus the fervent prayers and encouragement that other Christians care deeply and want to help them translate Scripture into their own heart language.


We’ve seen it in region after region, all around the world: however brutally the enemy attacks, God’s people do not “struggle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world”—and once national Bible translators give them the chance to hold God’s Word in their hearts, they are empowered to “stand against the devil’s schemes.” (Ephesians 6:11-13 NIV).




Our TNT—Technology for National Translators—ensures the safety of the translators by allowing them to work under the radar of hostile authorities. Each TNT kit includes:

  • Durable laptop computers
  • Purpose-built Bible translation software
  • An online connection so users can collaborate and check translation accuracy
  • 24/7 support and an array of valuable Bible translation resources
  • Ability to store translation work safely in the cloud
  • Connection to other believers to pray and worship together

Each TNT Kit costs just $2,500 and each language group needs two of them. We are asking God to move in hearts like yours to provide the $40,000 needed to immediately launch Bible translation for eight language groups.


On behalf of Christians living in a place of horrific persecution, who have never known the comfort and strength of reading and absorbing God’s Word in their own heart language, please make a gift to equip them with the tools to translate the Scriptures. And please pray that through the power of His Word, God will transform an entire region!