Unity Replaces Division to Reach Nigeria with God's Translated Word

Wycliffe Associates

When it comes to the body of Christ, Satan wants nothing more than to divide and conquer. In the case of Bible translation, it's no different—and Nigeria is a prime example. Not long ago, division was at the heart of Bible translation efforts among varying groups in this country. Different denominations had different ideas about how to get the job done and, as a result, collaboration was difficult.
Working with our translation partner in Nigeria, it became clear that for Scripture to reach every language in the nation, it would have to be with the cooperation of the Nigerian church as a whole. To that end, a MAST translation training event was held with over 100 participants—church leaders from numerous denominations, all gathering to advance Bible translation.
Even the state governor, who is a follower of Christ, stated on national television that Bible translation has the possibility to promote peace in their nation. And he got involved by sending a representative to the training. As the training event got underway, it quickly became clear that God was moving powerfully.
"I've never seen this many denominational leaders together at one place, at one time," said a participating pastor. The best part is that they were all working together as one to pursue a common goal of translating the Scriptures into all 230 of their country's languages.
We praise God that already 26 New Testaments have been completed! But with hundreds of Nigerian people groups still waiting for God's Word in their heart language, the work has only just begun. Thank you for your continued prayers and support, and for all you do to help reach the lost with God's translated Word.
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