Twice the Power, Twice the Convenience

Wycliffe Associates

For years, Wycliffe Associates has been equipping national Bible translators with Print On Demand (POD) systems to help with their translation work. However, weighing in at over 100 pounds, the single-printer PODs weren’t especially portable. This is why we’re excited about the new-and-improved systems, which offer twice the power and convenience.
Each new Mini POD includes two printers and enough ink to print 80,000 pages. Perhaps most important, it’s half the weight of the previous system and comes in an easy-to-pull duffel bag with wheels, making it more convenient to transport internationally.
These improved Mini PODs are such an important part of the Bible translation process, as they allow national translation teams to print out their work at the workshops and take the printed Scriptures back to their villages for accuracy checking and sharing.
In Nigeria, translators recently used their new Mini POD to print the entire Ora and Etuno New Testaments they had translated. What a blessing for the Ora and Etuno people to finally have the gospel message in their heart languages.
This is just one more way you are supporting Bible translators around the world and reaching people with God’s translated Word!