Translators in the Philippines: "We can't contain our happiness."

Wycliffe Associates

Earlier this year, national translators concluded the second of two Bible translation workshops in the Philippines, where they completed the translation of another language's New Testament. They are thrilled to have such a treasure, and they are deeply thankful for the opportunity to be a part of bringing God’s Word to their people. Here’s what a couple of them had to share:

J*: “I am grateful to God for my translation experience, because I am able to translate our own language to help my tribe. We seek God's work first, even if it means to leave our daily work, and we can't contain our happiness. I am also grateful that in just a month, we were able to finish the New Testament. It is a great privilege for us to know the Bible and be able to serve God.
“Also, I thank Wycliffe Associates for helping us and teaching us this kind of ministry. I am also happy because all of us are encouraged and decided to be more faithful in doing God's ministry. I saw that even those who are new in faith are motivated to continue serving God.”
*Names changed for security purposes.