The Woman at the Well

Wycliffe Associates

How one act of compassion is growing Bible translation . . . and His Kingdom.
Viviane wasn’t sure what to make of the new pastor who had arrived in her village. Everyone seemed suspicious of him. No one wanted to talk with him because he had a different religion. Her people, the Panan, worshipped trees and mountains, and some even created their own man-made gods. So as expected, they were wary of this pastor and his beliefs.
Deep down, Viviane felt compassion for Pastor Zalle, especially that day at the water well. Many women from the village were at the well when he came to fetch water, and they pretended like he wasn’t there, refusing to give him a turn. Viviane tried to persuade the others to let the pastor get some water, but they would have none of it. He was an outsider, an outcast.
Knowing in her heart it was the right thing to do, Viviane took her turn at the well and brought water to Pastor Zalle. The two began to talk, and for the first time ever, Viviane heard about Jesus Christ.
In the days that followed, Viviane became the very first among the Panan people to receive Christ as her Savior. More recently she was invited to participate in a MAST (Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation) workshop to help translate God’s Word into the language of her people.
MAST is a proven strategy where multiple teams of national translators work side by side to translate the Scriptures simultaneously, with great speed and accuracy. During the workshop, Viviane and the other translators completed Philemon, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, and part of Mark.
Thank you for your continued support today, which will help equip more faithful translators like Viviane with the tools and training they need to bring God’s Word to their people.