The Wave is Growing

Bruce Smith
I've been on this ocean now for thirty years, navigating the shifting tides and currents of international Christian ministry. For sixteen years, I've been focused full-time on advancing Bible translation into new languages. Along with thousands of others, I've prayed that God would move in a way that only He can to make Christ known among the nations. God is answering those prayers today in ways most of us never imagined.
As the twentieth century came to a close, Bible translation was typically beginning in about twenty new languages each year. Research estimates at that time indicated that there were at least 3000 languages that were still without Scripture, suggesting that without major changes it would be 150 years before all of these languages received God's Word. Out of this sobering assessment, a vision to reach all of these languages by 2025 emerged.
Vision 2025 demanded and produced encouraging changes in Bible translation strategies. During the first decade of the twenty-first century, the average pace of new Bible translation starts quadrupled, with translations beginning in more than 800 additional languages. The pace of new Bible translation starts peaked with 109 new starts in 2009. However, recent international statistics on new Bible translation starts show that the annual pace has been slowing.
But there is good news!
When Vision 2025 emerged, it envisioned a movement that has been beyond our horizon of view—until now. It envisioned engagement of the global Church in Bible translation, growing into a global movement.
We began seeing the movement of church-centered Bible translation growing last year. It took some time to confirm, but the impact is significant. During the twelve months ending in September 2015, Wycliffe Associates served local churches worldwide as they launched Bible translations in 138 new languages! We don't yet have 2015 figures from other Bible translation partners, but this pace is already 26% faster than the previous fastest pace of Bible translation starts in 2009!
In recent months, the tide of requests for MAST training (Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation) from churches worldwide has continued to rise. Since October 1st, these churches have already started Bible translations in 198 new languages—in just five months!
Based on current conversations with church partners worldwide we believe that we could see Bible translations begin in more than 500 languages this year!
And new Bible translation starts is only the beginning of this story. A growing number of churches using MAST methods are completing New Testament translations in less than a year—and moving immediately into translating the Old Testament in their languages.
Habakkuk 2:14 says, "For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea" (ESV).
May this tide continue to rise and the waves touch every nation.
To God be the glory, great things HE IS DOING!