The Student Becomes the Teacher

Wycliffe Associates

Milton is the minister of a church in Uganda, and for years he has prayed for God’s Word to be translated into his heart language. Yet deep down he wondered if it was out of reach. He’d been told long ago that Bible translation was extremely expensive and that it would take years for even one book to be completed. He just couldn’t see how it was possible.
Then Wycliffe Associates introduced Church Owned Bible Translation to Ugandan churches in 2018. And that changed everything!
At first, Milton remained skeptical. But after one week of working with the Bible translation facilitator, the translation of 1 and 2 Peter was complete. He then had an opportunity to help lead the Ko* language group in learning how to translate God’s Word.
“They told us we were going to translate the New Testament in two weeks,” Milton says. “It felt like I am [sic] in a dream. How is it possible to translate 27 books in these few days?”
But Milton became a strong believer when the team he was leading completed the draft of their New Testament! “This gave me confidence in my heart that I can translate God’s Word when I follow these eight steps of Bible translation,” Milton says.
“So, my desire now is to meet with people who don’t have the Bible in their language and train them to translate it.”
Your continued support today will help equip others, like Milton, to translate God’s Word for those who are still longing to read it in their heart language.
*Name has been changed for security purposes.