The Last Step in Bible Translation

Bruce Smith
The moment a Bible translation workshop finishes, Bible translators are anxious for the work to be inked onto the page—anxious for the moment they can finally hold God’s Word in their hands. They gather around the Print On Demand unit and watch as the first copy of God’s Word is printed, and people scoop up the copy . . . dancing around the room with it held high over their heads. The singing, dancing, and rejoicing is contagious and lasts well into the night.
Finally, the wait is over. God’s Word has arrived in their language, and these men and women refuse to contain their excitement—they thought this day would never arrive.
I attended a workshop in Myanmar where more than a hundred national translators had labored to translate Scripture for their people. Because friends like you had provided Print On Demand equipment for them, they started printing immediately and had 130 copies of the New Testament by the end of the first day. But that was hardly enough.
Print On Demand has done something unprecedented. Word spreads and more requests flood in. “Can I get a copy of God’s Word?” Everyone begs for their own copy of Scripture, and as it comes off the printer, it is placed into the hands of a hungry soul ready to devour Scripture for the first time . . . but now we have run into two problems.
First, some Print On Demand units are simply wearing out . . . grinding to a halt after years spent printing so many copies of God’s Word!
And second, other translation communities are hearing about Print On Demand units and asking us to help them get one so they can print Scripture on demand!
It didn’t used to be this way
Print On Demand has changed the game of Bible translation. Just a few years ago, national Bible translators had to put in a print request, wait in line . . . wait for months, even years . . . print the Scriptures, and then get it shipped across the ocean.
A translation might be finished for years before translators were able to hold a physical copy of God’s Word. Now, all of that has changed.
When someone requests a Bible, their church leaders can print one. If someone wants to pass a Bible to a neighbor or a family member, they have easy access to getting an extra copy. Even Bible smugglers can be more effective because they can print just the number of copies they need!
Print On Demand units have been a key tool in reaching millions of people. Yet the thought of even one of these units grinding to a halt is heartbreaking.
God’s Word . . . right now
I can’t stop thinking about the number of souls who pass into eternity without having access to God’s Word. And I know that one solution is at our fingertips. I have to say yes to communities asking for these printing systems. Just a single unit can transform an entire community . . . an entire region . . . even an entire country.
But the need is so great—I wanted to bring this to your attention.
We need to provide six Print On Demand units in places where believers are praying to have the printed Word of God to distribute in their communities. Each of these units costs $25,000, so we are praying for a total of $150,000.
It is not an exaggeration to say that millions of lives can be changed because of your gift to help provide Print On Demand equipment to national translators!
Please help bring translation work to life . . . on the printed page and into the hearts of people praying for light in the darkness.