Thank You!

Bruce Smith
Dear friends,
I’m once again humbled and encouraged by the generosity of people who give to support Bible translation. Our one-day event Translation Today is finished—and what a blessing it has been!
With your support, we’ve raised $41,566 to launch two new MAST workshops in a Muslim-dominant country. That’s something to raise our voices about! I thank God for making it happen—and for faithful partners like you who are journeying with us in this great quest.
I can’t wait to see the reaction of our translating partners in Southeast Asia as we tell them what their friends here have done! They’re always so appreciative of God’s provision, and they never take it for granted.
Your support is an immense encouragement for them—to know that fellow believers far away care enough to support their work. These national translators have the heart to complete their task. They’re willing to work long hours and even risk their lives. But they depend on generous supporters like you to provide the missing piece. And you’ve come through again!
As you know, our work doesn’t end here. There are new requests for MAST workshops pouring in all the time—from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, and beyond.
So you can still give and help Bible translation continue—until the task is done.