Thank You!

Bruce Smith

Praise God! Faithful partners just helped do something bold—raise enough money to bring 153 computer tablets to Bible translators in the field—in one day.
Passionate supporters gave $46,070 in gifts to help share His Word. You have my deep gratitude for standing with us and striving to fulfill God’s commission to bring the Gospel to every creature.
It is a privilege to see God’s Word changing hearts and lives! Former terrorists are now driven by a passion to translate scripture; entire tribes are now able to understand God’s Word in their heart language; national translators are willing to stand up to persecution and hardship because they know the transforming power God’s Word will have in the hearts of men and women.
And with yesterday’s amazing results, we’re much closer to that ultimate goal!
We’re hard at work in God’s harvest field. But today is a day to rejoice—and to revel in God’s amazing provision.
Again, to everyone who supported our efforts with gifts of any amount—thank you, thank you, thank you!
And if you’d still like to contribute to this effort, you can help even more people receive God’s Word in their heart language.