Tanzanian Bible Translators Have New Focus, Thanks to You!

Wycliffe Associates

When national Bible translators in Tanzania showed up for a recent MAST workshop, they expected to learn how to accurately and efficiently translate God’s Word. What they didn’t expect was to receive eyeglasses that would greatly enhance their ability to see clearly... and to translate.
Of the 47 translators tested, 27 showed a dire need for reading glasses.
Through support from generous partners like you, they were fitted with new eyeglasses, which allow them to perform their intensive task accurately—and more quickly too.
These dedicated national translators are thrilled with their new glasses and have continued to diligently work toward their goal. To date, the Wanda, Bungu, Bende, and Konongo language groups have completed the translation of their New Testaments and are now working on translating the Old Testament for their people. Thank you, Lord!
Please pray for these faithful servants as they follow God’s calling. Pray, too, that more eyeglasses will be made available to Bible translators who need them.