Six Language Groups. ZERO Bibles. Until Now!

Wycliffe Associates

Get out of town. Now.
That was the warning a Christian pastor received recently in a remote village in southern Asia as a mob of some 50 angry people was headed for his home.
The pastor’s faith in Jesus made him a target.
This is the kind of pressure that believers are living under in that part of the world. Yet what do we hear from this pastor and his fellow Christians? Not cries of fear. Not complaints.
They ask for tools to translate God’s Word into the heart language of their people.
Because they know, deep in their hearts, that what their countrymen need most is to break free from the centuries-old bondage of false gods, spiritism, superstition, and hatred.
Their people’s only hope is the truth of the Scriptures.
Eternity-Changing Opportunity
Even in this place of extreme difficulty and danger, Christians in six language groups are willing and ready to begin translating the Bible if we provide the technology and the training.
And because each translator is trained locally—instead of being forced to travel great distances—it will take only $5,000 to launch each of these six Bible translation projects. That’s a total of $30,000.
- A safe place for our brothers and sisters to work and train.
- Computer hardware and Bible translation software.
- Internet connection with access to a crucial library of Bible translation resources.
- Online storage of each day’s translation work so hostile raiders can’t confiscate and destroy it.
Hearts—and the Window of Opportunity—Are Wide Open (for now)
A guru in the pastor’s village became deathly ill. Nothing helped. The traditional gods were silent. Ancient potions and rituals were useless. The guru was dying...
And in desperation, he gave orders to the villagers: Find the Christian.
When they found the pastor, they brought him to the guru who asked for prayer!
And not only did God heal the guru... He began to heal the entire village as 15 people came to faith in Christ.
This story represents how powerfully God is moving in this area of world where faith in Christ costs the most.
But this window of opportunity could close at any time. Parts of southern Asia could become far more dangerous and difficult for Bible translation at any moment.
Empower Your Support with Prayer
For Translators in Difficult and Dangerous Places
Lord, please protect and empower our brothers and sisters in Christ as they face persecution and spiritual warfare.
Give them strength, wisdom, and peace as they navigate hazards.
Let them sense our love and support.
Fuel them with courage for their calling.
Let the light of your Word shine into the darkness!
For Translators’ Families
Dear God, I ask you to shield the loved ones of translators from harm, sickness, and enemies of the Gospel.
Comfort those who have suffered loss or separation.
Provide for the physical needs of families facing financial hardship.
For the Impact of Bible Translation
Holy Spirit, stir the hearts of those yet to know Christ. Speak powerfully through newly translated Scriptures, revealing your truth in the heart language of each individual.
Inspire generous support for this work, that multitudes may encounter your Word for the first time.
And through this ministry of national Bible translation, we pray: Thy kingdom come.
Thank you for giving, praying, and sharing this important, eternity-changing opportunity with other Christians in your circle who love God’s Word and understand the impact these new Bible translations will have among the world’s unreached nations and hearts.