Recent Bible Translation & Critical Ministry You’ve Made Possible

Wycliffe Associates

The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.
—Proverbs 22:9 (NIV)
National translators and ministry partners in over 20 countries lack food due to the pandemic. Wycliffe Associates sent out a 911 emergency letter and emails to our family of supporters.
Through the generous giving of friends like you, the $400,000 goal has been met to help meet their most basic food need.
UGANDA—Bible Translation Events
4 language groups were represented.
127 national Bible translators participated.
3 new languages completed their New Testament translations
1 language completed their Old Testament
MADAGASCAR—Print On Demand
4,000 Bible story books were printed this spring.
6 new languages in which New Testaments were printed.
5 million people in this country are still without God’s Word in their heart language.
Also in recent news...