Pressing on Toward the Goal

Bruce Smith

Dear Friends,
This year, both Wycliffe Associates and I will celebrate significant birthdays. One of us turns fifty. The other turns sixty. You can probably guess who is celebrating which milestone.
Seventeen years ago when I joined Wycliffe Associates, people often greeted me by saying, “You are much younger than I expected!” A few years ago, I noticed that no one was greeting me this way any longer. Apparently, I’m now as old as they expect.
Sometimes people who have known Wycliffe Associates for many years ask me, “Has Wycliffe Associates changed its mission?” We have not. Our mission has been, and continues to be, involving people in the advancement of Bible translation. But over the years, many things have changed. The people involved are increasingly international. The tools are now computer hardware and software technology. And the quality and progress in Bible translation is absolutely unprecedented!
During this season, God often reminds me of the words in Philippians 3:13–14: “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (NIV).
At a milestone like this, there is so much to look back on with thanksgiving for God’s provision. But our goal to see the Bible in every language has not yet been reached. This is not the time to rest. It is the time to press on toward the goal!
We thank God for your partnership in this mission, and we thank God for your faithful stewardship, your diligent prayer, and your love for His Word. May this be another year of unprecedented progress for God’s Word among the nations!