Prayer Watch: The Persecuted Need a Safe Haven

Prayer Watch Coordinator

The reading plan I am now using for my daily devotions has me reading Old Testament passages. I am continually amazed at how much God loves His children. God directed and encouraged His children throughout their lives. Here are some passages that I have been reading often because of their encouragement to me. I pray you find them of great encouragement, also.
I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you.
I said, ‘You are my servant’; I have chosen you and have not rejected you.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:9-10 (NIV)
See, I have taught you decrees and laws as the Lord my God commanded me,
so that you may follow them in the land you are entering to take possession of it.
Observe them carefully, for this will show your wisdom and understanding to the nations,
who will hear about all these decrees and say,
“Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.”
What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way
the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to him? And what other nation is so great
as to have such righteous decrees and laws as this body of laws I am setting before you today?
Only be careful and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget
the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live.
Teach them to your children and to their children after them.
Deuteronomy 4:5-9 (NIV)
But who can discern their own errors?
Forgive my hidden faults.
Keep your servant also from willful sins;
may they not rule over me.
Then I will be blameless,
innocent of great transgression.
May these words of my mouth and
this meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:12-14 (NIV)
Brothers and Sisters in Jesus, what precious words the Lord has given us. I am blessed by them. Are you? The writers of Scripture were surely blessed as they penned these passages and many more. Now, as we read again these verses, let’s think of today’s Bible translators—many being persecuted, living among people and governments who hate Christians.
May these words and our prayers today bless Bible translators in the far reaches of the earth. May we bring God’s wisdom, understanding, love, and protection to each team diligently translating God’s precious Words in their language for their people. May they each know the safe haven of God’s blessing.
I pray you take these passages with you along the way and thank our Lord for them.