Prayer Watch: Tablets Accelerate Bible Translation

Prayer Coordinator
I can hardly wrap my head around the fact that another year is done. Here we are in 2020. I’m beginning this new year with a new journal that I received at Christmas. And I begin this new year with a real desire to know God better, to read and study His Word more consistently, and to listen to Him with my whole heart.
So, in my first reading I come to Colossians 2:6-7, in the NIV:
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,
continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built
up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught,
and overflowing with thankfulness.
As I read and pray over these verses, I think about those who have no Bible. Many received Jesus as their Lord when missionaries came through their area. Do they know they need to continue living their life in Him? How can they be rooted and built up in Him without Scripture?
My dear friends, there are still millions of men, women, and children, who have never read these words of encouragement because they have no Bible in their language. This is why we are dedicated to Bible translation.
Our President/CEO, Bruce Smith, recently filmed a message while in Israel. He taught from Luke 4, and spoke about how national Bible translators are working so that people from every language may know, understand, and believe Jesus. You can watch Bruce’s message here!
Being dedicated to Bible translation means that we are ready with training and technology to give local churches without God’s Word in their own language all that is necessary for them to translate the Bible. A big part of this “training and technology” is providing national translators with computer tablets loaded up with Bible translation software and resources. These tablets are a key component provided during their time at MAST translation training.
Wycliffe Associates has already started the new year with MAST Bible translation workshops occurring right now in many locations around the globe.
- We really need to pray for the hundreds of language groups with no Scripture who are ready to begin their Bible translations.
- We need to pray that there will be sufficient funds to purchase the tablets needed.
- Let’s pray for the computer technicians preparing the tablets for use by the translators.
- And let’s pray that the tablets will arrive safely to the scheduled MAST workshop locations.
- Pray for many national translators who, prior to MAST training, have never seen or used a tablet. We are often amazed watching translators learn quickly.
- Pray that where tablets are taken into areas of persecution they are used discreetly, and their work uploaded to secure locations.
- Please pray that the MAST leaders, facilitators, and prayer warriors will be safe, remain healthy, and will be true encouragers for the national translators who work so hard doing their Bible translations.
Let’s open our hearts to follow Jesus more closely.
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said,
“I am the light of the world.
Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life.”
John 8:12 (NIV)
Today, let’s choose to be thankful for all that the Lord is doing around the world ¾ thankful that we have a part in advancing Bible translation. And as followers of Jesus, let’s continue to live in the light of life in this new year.
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