Prayer Watch: Provide the Good News in Heart Languages

Prayer Coordinator

Advent is here and we are preparing to remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. This is also a wonderful time to share the Good News of Jesus with unbelievers. I’m sure you know who needs Jesus in their lives. Let’s pray for them and ask God to show us how to share His Good News.
I hope you receive the Wycliffe Associates INVOLVED! Newsletter. In the November issue there is a wonderful article about the translation of the Udmurt New Testament. The believers in this Russian community were so excited about sharing the Good News that they ordered 1000 copies of the Gospel of John to be printed and then promptly gave them all away! Here, read the article about Natalia!
Action Updates
Your Gifts at Work, Accelerating Bible Translation and Transforming Lives
Printed Scripture Is Bringing God’s Word to Russian Homes
Previously, we told you about the completion of the Udmurt New Testament translation. As part of the completion plan, believers in this Russian community have been using God’s translated Word to fervently preach, teach, and reach out to unbelievers. And now we’re excited to share that, through your faithful support, 1,000 copies of the Gospel of John have been printed and given to the local people—like Natalia.
As Natalia pored over the pages of her newly printed Scriptures, her heart was deeply moved. She was overcome by the knowledge that God loved her so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice—for her! Jesus had willingly died on her behalf so that she could be restored to her Heavenly Father.
Deeply touched by this reality and the desire to follow Jesus, Natalia approached one of the Bible translators and said, “What do I do? I have to do something with my life.” In that moment, the translator led Natalia in a prayer of confession and redemption as she asked Jesus into her life!
Thank you for your part in putting translated Scripture into the hands of people who need its transforming truth. Thank you for allowing God to work through you to impact needy hearts and lives for eternity.
This group of 32 Russian Bible translators are now working to complete the Old Testament—they want their people to have the whole Bible! Are we surprised?
My dear prayer partner, there are still thousands of language communities in the world with no Scripture. That’s millions of people still living in darkness. This month please pray with me about those without God’s Word who are pleading for the training and technology so they can have Scripture in their heart language.
- We praise you Lord God that more than 500 New Testaments, whose Bible translators used Wycliffe Associates’ training and technology so that their people can have the precious Word of God in their heart language. We know that during this Advent, they are enthusiastically sharing with their family, friends, and unbelievers, the Good News of Jesus’s birth.
- And Lord, we pray for the millions who are living in darkness with not one Word of Scripture. Many are pleading for the same privilege.
- We pray, Lord, that during this season of giving many will give generously so that more language communities can be provided with Bible translation training and tools so their communities will get to hear the Good News.
- We thank you Lord that after generations in spiritual darkness, these Northern Russian people now know God’s love for them and are experiencing the joy of His forgiveness.
In the middle of praying, I thought about one translator of the Mrt* New Testament named Linara. She shared, “It was fabulous to realize that God entrusted part of His great work on Earth to us, simple people, and to become part of God’s plan for our people.”
- Oh, God, help us realize how great is your love of all people that You are giving people around the world opportunities to get Your Word into their languages so that they can know of Jesus, Your beloved Son, and His sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin.
- Lord, please give us, each one, the opportunity to spend time with You, to give of our resources to those in need, and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those we know who do not know You. We pray all this in the name of Jesus the Son of God. Amen.
Thank you, dear friends, for this time of prayer with me. May you know God’s blessings all during the Advent of Jesus Christ. And may you have a joyous Christmas with family and friends.