Prayer Watch: Pray for PNG Bible Translators to Stand Strong

Prayer Coordinator

You and I know the power of God’s Word to heal even the most brutal conflicts. When people encounter Scripture in their own language, God’s words of love and peace go straight to the heart.
Just a couple of months ago, national Bible translators from several clans in Papua New Guinea (PNG) attended the Wycliffe Associates MAST workshop. They learned the process and translated the very first words of Scripture into their own language. While away from their villages brutal new violence descended upon their homes, their neighbors, their family members!
Each Bible translator experienced excruciating pain as word arrived about the violence unleashed at home! The tragedy brought new motivation to get God’s Word translated into their language.
In Papua New Guinea spiritual darkness is extreme. Belief in witchcraft envelops these clans with heavy, heavy darkness. People have been trapped by the grip of Satan’s lies for centuries. All they see is the workings of black magic, curses, spells, magical poisons—witchcraft.
We know the power that is greater than anything these people have ever experienced. My dear friends, we have access to this power—the power of God to break Satan’s strongholds. I believe that the Lord God has prepared us—you and me—to be the prayer support for language groups in PNG to get God’s Word—now!
Have you wrapped your mind around how much these people desperately need Scripture?
Will you join me in the next week and a half to pray—pray daily—pray often for the Holy Spirit to move in the land of PNG? Will you pray with me for the MAST teams traveling, teaching, encouraging, supporting, national pastors and church leaders, who so desperately want the Word of God in their languages?
Next week, Wycliffe Associates President Bruce Smith will be sending us emails and posting to his blog to tell us more about the huge need for MAST workshops to take place in PNG so the believers there can be empowered to translate God’s Word into their own heart languages.
Our job? PRAY! Every email, blog post, and letter is our prayer sheet. Please, dear prayer partners, let Bruce’s words move us to pray that God will provide everything needed to bring God’s Word—His precious Word—to the people of PNG sooner, not later.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7 (NIV)
Praying with you,
Prayer Coordinator
Wycliffe Associates