Prayer Watch: Pray for Millions Hearing Scripture in Their Heart Language

Prayer Coordinator

Today I hope to encourage you. Your prayers for persecuted believers and Bible translators are being answered in big and small ways—all around the world. I received a report that’s just for you.
Your prayers have helped our Eurasia staff assist multiple families in peril and helped a key leader whose identity was compromised depart the area safely.
Another partner has coordinated an underground railroad. Travel is mostly by foot, and is a tedious route with multiple border crossings through several countries. So far 15 of the 40 young Christian men have made it out.
So, I encourage you, keep praying for our partners to not be discovered as they assist brothers and sisters in Jesus who are experiencing terrifying persecution. Pray that persecuted believers hold on to their faith and trust Almighty God to be their protection and guide. Let’s pray that these believers know deep in their hearts that God hears their pleas and will answer. Then there will be much praise and singing!
This morning I read Ephesians chapter 5 and began to wonder how people reading these verses for the first time in their language would respond. The good news is that there are now 500 completed New Testaments that Wycliffe Associates has assisted in translating. That’s 500 language groups now reading and listening to God’s precious Word.
Imagine the changed lives because of reading about and listening to how God wants us to live in love. Let’s read the following Scripture verses and then pray for these 500 language groups all over the world with hearts open to hearing the Word of God.
Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children
and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us
and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering
and sacrifice to God.
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.
Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light
consists in all goodness, righteousness, and truth)
and find out what pleases the Lord.
Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise,
making the most of every opportunity,
because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish,
but understand what the Lord’s will is.
Ephesians 5:1-2, 8-10, 15-17 (NIV)
Let’s pray together,
• Father God, we love you for calling us your dearly loved children and you tell us then to walk in the way of love. We pray for each of the 500 people groups as they read and listen to recordings of you calling them your dearly loved children. (Let’s pause and meditate on this.) We pray Lord, that they will seek you out to help them to walk in the way of love.
• Lord, you tell us to follow your example of Jesus Christ’s love for us and that He gave Himself up for us—a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Oh, Lord, only with you in our lives are we able to love as Jesus does. Lord Jesus, these are difficult words for those hearing them for the first time. Just to think of how much you, their Father God, and your Son Jesus Christ loves each one of them personally. Everyone.
• Yes, Lord, once we all lived in the darkness of sin, but now we are light—you, Lord, give us light! You tell us to live as children of light! And the fruit of the light? All goodness. Righteousness, and truth. Lord, these fruits are the proof of living in the light. Oh, Lord, there are millions of people hearing this for the first time in their language! You desire for them to live as children of the light. That, Lord, will be a big change in villages living in darkness.
• Dear Heavenly Father, you want us to find out how we can please You. Father, we need to read your Word and diligently look for how we can please you. And, oh Father, quiet our hearts and minds, help us Lord to listen. (Let’s pause again and listen.) Father God, we know you love all these people reading Your Word in their language. They may be hearing these verses for the first time. We pray that each one hearing these words will quiet their hearts and seek your face to know what will please You.
• Lord, you’ve said to us to Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise…making the most of every opportunity…and understand what the Lord’s will is. We are humble before you, asking for wisdom on how to live, how to make the most of opportunities, and how to know Your will. Sometimes, Lord, our walk with you feels difficult and Lord, this is difficult. We need the Holy Spirit to work in us and lead us in the way you want us to live and follow You. Lord, we pray this for all the new children of light that when the way seems difficult, I pray that they will go to You, humbly ask for wisdom and that they, in the power of the Holy Spirit, will follow You.
Dear friends, I hope you are encouraged by these prayers. I pray that the new children of light will also be encouraged and blessed by our prayers for them.