Prayer Watch: Pray for Clean Water for Bible Translators

Prayer Watch Coordinator

I’m thinking back on those days when my parents drew water from the dug well for our family. Living in New England meant we had really cold water—it was so refreshing. We had no electricity so on those long, cold, winter New England nights we lit the kerosene lamp and added wood to the tin stove. Yes, and we cuddled under our heavy Army blankets because our bedrooms were never heated.
For many of us, this is nostalgia—remembering simpler times. But, dear friend, it’s not nostalgia in the villages where Bible translation is taking place and there is no available clean water. Mothers and children must walk miles over difficult terrain just to get to a river. There they wash their clothes, wash dishes, and cooking pots, and they collect water in jugs to take home for cooking.
There is no nostalgia where children and the elderly contract water borne diseases—struggling for life. It is often viewed as a hopeless situation. Can you even imagine being incredibly thirsty and have only dirty water to drink?
I am so glad to be giving you the prayer requests just as I have received them from our Community Development Program Manager. Let’s pray together for these communities where Wycliffe Associates is bringing clean water and the “water welling up into eternal life.”
- Kenya: Pray for plans to connect the Mual language community with partners that will help them address long-term water and food needs.
- Togo: Please pray for wisdom for the Gourmantche language community in Togo. Two dry holes were drilled in a local village and the translation team is deciding where an additional attempt will be made for a water well. Pray that God would guide them to the best village that is most central to the whole language community and that God would grant a successful water well to be drilled.
- Niger: The Zarma language community of Niger (West Africa) has finished raising their portion of funds for a new water system! Thank you for your partnership that will allow a water well to be drilled soon. Please pray for God’s wisdom and direction for the drilling crew and for safety as they work.
- Asia country #1 and country #2: Please pray for safety as our staff and local pastors work with community members to build water systems in both countries. Pray that God will use the testimony of the leaders and pastors to bring people to Jesus. Pray for safety as community members work hard to build water systems in rugged mountain conditions.
- Safe Haven: Please pray for progress as our partners work on Bible translation in this region hostile to the gospel. Pray for an additional water well that will be drilled as an outreach to serve community members as a testimony of Jesus's love.
- Zambia: The Tokaleya language community has been working hard to translate both the New and Old Testaments. The need for clean water in the community is desperate and ongoing. Please pray for our staff as they work with community members to discuss ways to equip them to meet this need. Water systems are needed in multiple villages.
- Peru: Please pray for Pastor Fidel as he works with eight indigenous communities that need the Bible and clean water. Praise God the team was able to hand carry reading glasses back to South America after meetings in Orlando. Please pray that they can be successfully carried and distributed to our partners in Peru.
Let the one who is thirsty come;
and let the one who wishes
take the free gift of the water of life.
Revelation 22:17 (NIV)
Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.
Indeed, the water I give them will become in them
a spring of water welling up to eternal life.
John 4:14 (NIV)
Thank you so much for taking the time to pray for Bible translation and clean water efforts around the world. You are precious to me and this ministry. May our God bless you each day with His love and care.