Prayer Watch: Pray for Church Owned Bible Translation

Prayer Coordinator

Here we are in January and it’s a brand-new year! For us at Wycliffe Associates, the beginning of every new year is when we focus our prayer on the needs of Bible translation. Then on February 17 we will have a Day of Prayer at the Orlando office and streamed live, dedicated to praying for the needs of national Bible translation all around the world.
Let’s take a quick look back at 2021. Many of you prayed faithfully for Bible translation.
Just last year, over 77 national Bible translation teams completed the New Testament for their peoples.
Four language groups completed their entire Bible!
Every project was completed because dedicated prayer warriors, leaders, facilitators, and financial partners were faithful, and God empowered national Bible translators to be strengthened, encouraged, protected, and capable of completing the hard work of translating.
I invite you, my dear prayer partner, to join us this month as we dedicate ourselves to praying for the needs of Bible translation in language communities who are eager to begin their translation projects because they still have no Scripture in their heart language.
I am inspired by national Bible translators who share their testimonies with us. They are filled with joy and enthusiasm! No matter the difficult circumstances or incredible challenges, these earnest followers of Jesus are determined to continue the work until the whole Word of God is in their language.
One young Filipino Bible translator shared, “Even though it is not easy, God gave me joy in my heart. He gave me the knowledge and wisdom I needed during translation, as well as the eagerness to share His Word to my fellow brothers and sisters in our tribe.”
Another translator in Southeast Asia said, “Church Owned Bible Translation was very useful and made us joyful because we could take part in Bible translation into the language of the Lri* tribe. To this day we are working on this, and we really thank you for your help. We pray that you are given health and strength.”
I believe God is calling us to pray, calling on His great power to work in the lives of Church Owned Bible Translation teams as they bring God’s Holy Word to their people in their language.
Let’s honor the dedicated Bible translators around the world by faithfully praying and even giving financially so many more Bibles in the heart languages of people around the world will be completed this year.
May God bless you mightily in this new year!