Prayer Watch: Pray for Christians Who Need Printed Bibles

Prayer Coordinator
Good morning, dear prayer partner. Did you have some time in God’s Word this morning? Did you read something that was full of meaning? Did the Holy Spirit use God’s Words to address your current situation? Today? Right now?
Living in a fallen world, we all have troubles, problems to work out, difficult situations that we need to work through, and many of us live in pain. You and I have the privilege to open our Bibles and read God’s Words to us giving the Holy Spirit an opportunity to use those precious words to minister to our hearts. We are encouraged. We are strengthened. We are surely blessed. And we have peace—a peace that is beyond understanding.
This morning I read Psalm 37. What a great passage to read when we need encouragement. So, the verses I chose for today—from among many great verses:
Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in him and he will do this:
He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn,
your vindication like the noonday sun.
Psalm 37:5-6 (NIV)
This is not a long passage. But, for me today, it just means so much. I’m reminded that our God is a personal God. He cares about each one of us. And He is capable to do anything we need for Him to do.
Then I remembered this verse in 1 Peter:
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7 (NIV)
As I finish reading that passage, I think about the hundreds of thousands of people waiting for the Bible. Many are encouraged that a great team is hard at work translating God’s Word into their heart language.
National Bible translators in countries around the world are finding great encouragement and blessing as they translate God’s Word. But their people still wait. The wait seems so long. The wait has been very long. When will they have it in their hands? In their heart language?
Sometimes they get to hear a passage or two when a translator or pastor reads to them from the translator’s work. For some, the New Testament translation may even be finished! But they can’t yet go home, open God’s Word, read the passage again and think on every verse. Why? Why can’t they?
That’s right, it’s not printed. Wycliffe Associates has a solution to this problem with our Print On Demand (POD) equipment. But dear friends, the equipment and delivery of it costs money. A small unit for printing sections of Scriptures costs $2,000. And a large printing unit for printing the Gospels, New Testaments, and full Bibles costs $25,000 each.
There are many translations now ready to be printed thanks to diligent translators who continued working on Scripture for their people during the ongoing pandemic. Now they need the printing equipment.
Will you pray with me for the language groups, just waiting, for the Scripture in their language to get printed? What a blessing you can be to these people with your prayers.
And just think—we can trust Him to do it. What an awesome God we serve.