Prayer Watch: Pray for Bible Translation Around the World

Prayer Coordinator

Where do you go when life feels hard, and God seems far away? You’re sad, but you don’t know why? You pick up you Bible. Where do you go? I go to Psalms. Sometimes it takes some skimming through, and then you find the perfect one.
David’s prayers often bring us great comfort and encouragement. I found one today that I want to share with you and would like to use it as a way to pray for ourselves and each other. Better yet, it will help us pray for national Bible translators around the world. Please open your Bible and look with me at Psalm 13. Below is a section of verse—a prayer for you and me, and a prayer for national Bible translators.
- How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?
- Some days are so long, Lord, and I feel like you are so far away. Have You forgotten me?
- I pray for Bible translators, Lord. Translation is hard work and some days it feels tedious. They often work alone for long hours, Lord, do they know You have not forgotten them?
- How long will you hide your face from me?
- Indeed, Lord, are you looking at me and listening to my heart? I need You, Lord.
- Lord, I pray You will look down on the national Bible translators, so excited to be studying Your Word as they write it in their own language. The days are so long and exhaustion so real. Can they see You, Lord, when so overwhelmed? They need to see You, Lord.
- How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart?
- I pray for each of us here as so much in life gets us down, and day after day problems just keep turning over and over in my mind, Lord, it all makes me sad and lonely. What can I do?
- We pray for the national Bible translators constantly trying to hide and hide their translation work. Lord, day after day must feel lonely trying to translate and not be noticed by those in authority looking to harm them—persecute them. Are they sad and their hearts heavy trying to keep going?
- How long will my enemy triumph over me?
- Oh Lord, our enemy, the evil one triumphs over me when I try to do life in my own strength, in my own way, keeping my burdens heavy.
- Lord, we pray for the Bible translators who are burdened with the weight of feeling they are not working fast enough—their people are waiting on them to get Scripture—and it’s a lonely weight they carry.
- Look on me and answer, Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death and my enemy will say, ‘I have overcome him,’ and my foes will rejoice when I fall.
- Dear Jesus, do please look at me and shine Your light on me so I can see my failings, and Lord, please don’t let the evil one gloat over my failings.
- Lord, Jesus, I pray that You shine Your light in the hearts of the national Bible translators so they too can see clearly where they may be failing, so the evil one does not distract them from their wonderful, yet difficult, task of Bible translation for their people.
- But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.
- Oh, Jesus, when Your light shines on me I know You love me, always You love me.
- Oh, Lord Jesus, I see Your salvation, You’ve lifted the heavy burden and I rejoice with my whole heart—I smile, laugh, and enjoy Your unfailing love.
Yes, Jesus, You love every Bible translator with Your unfailing love. Oh, Lord, that Your light shines and they to see Your salvation and rejoice in Your love.
- I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me.
- My burden is lifted, my heart is filled with light, and I sing the Lord’s praise. You are good and You hear my prayer and You lift my spirits—I sing through my day—You, Lord are so good to me.
- Lord, God, I pray You lift every burden of the Bible translators. I pray You fill them with singing, singing Your praise in their hearts because, indeed, You are so good to each one. You Lord make their work light and a blessing.
My dear prayer partner, may your burdens be light today and may you sing the Lord’s praises, even as we pray for Bible translation around the world.
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV)