Prayer Watch: Please pray for this BTRK need!

Prayer Coordinator
I’m sure we have each lost a loved one. We know grief. My mother died of cancer before she even turned 60 years old. I grieved because I miss her. I miss her love and laughter. I miss her wisdom. I often smile when I think of her—I know she is with Jesus and she has no more pain. My grief is not heavy. Like Paul wrote “you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope” (1 Thessalonians 4:13 NIV).
Today, there is a soft-spoken man, we call Kwan, in a village in a far corner of Asia whose grief is heavy. This gentle man lost his wife before he heard the gospel—before the good news of Jesus Christ came to his community. He shared that if only she had had an opportunity to hear the gospel, he knows that she, too, would be saved.
The gospel was brought to Kwan’s village and many heard and believed, but no Scripture was available for this brand-new community of believers—this church. Kwan’s language is unwritten.
Today that is changing. Kwan and the leaders in his church can be trained to use the Bible Translation Recording Kits (BTRKs) to translate the Bible into their language—an oral language. Recorded Scripture for his people to hear!
Yes, Wycliffe Associates provides all the technology, training, and encouragement for national believers to record the Scripture they translate into their own languages. Can you imagine the encouragement this brings to the church of believers whose language is unwritten?
Many times, believers living in oral cultures have given up the idea that they can ever have God’s Word in their language. Wycliffe Associates team members are reaching out to many remote villages and finding churches—believers who long for God’s Word—who now want to be trained on the BTRKs, so they can share Scripture with their people. In fact, over 300 requests have been received for BTRKs from Christians whose language is unwritten.
Oh, I didn’t tell you what the BTRK is—it’s a computer tablet with translation and recording software that’s easy to use, a microphone, headphones, all the essentials—at only $500. As amazing as this seems, it is a real need.
And friends, we need to be praying because there are so many language groups around the world whose languages are unwritten.
But, first let’s pray for these 300:
- Pray that Wycliffe Associates will receive the funds for all these language groups requesting BTRKs.
- Pray that the logistics for every Bible translation training will come together—facilitators, leaders, translators, technicians, facilities that include meals, lodging, and meeting spaces.
- Pray for the translation teams—though training locations may be central and safe, it still may mean the national Bible translation teams have many miles of travel, often over treacherous countryside including long bus rides, through hostile areas, etc.
- Pray that the translation teams understand clearly the instructions and realize quickly that they are the ones God has chosen for this task and that they are able to do His work of Bible translation.
- Pray diligently for protection from the evil one—protection in travel, protection during translation, and protection while returning home with God’s Word in their language.
It is for God’s glory that we pray and serve churches and communities with unwritten languages.
Thank you for taking time to pray for God’s precious children in faraway places.
Praying with you,
Prayer Coordinator, Wycliffe Associates