Prayer Watch: National Bible Translators Need Technology

Prayer Coordinator

I wonder if many of you, like me, grew up in homes with no electricity and no running water. Did you travel or walk a long dirt road to reach home? There were no cell phones, televisions, or computers.
Today, there are still millions of people living in isolated jungle or mountain villages with no electricity or internet but more importantly no Scripture in their languages. In these remote locations there may be a small church with believers who have already been trained and are now translating the Bible into their languages.
Wycliffe Associates has put together technology that can be delivered and installed in a community that will overcome many of the obstacles to completing Scripture translations. We call this technology BTAKs (Bible Translation Acceleration Kits). BTAKs may contain a solar panel, computer, satellite connection, router, and modem.
This provides a way for national Bible translators to upload completed sections of Scripture just translated. This way all their hard work is protected from damage due to disasters, harsh weather, and hostile authorities.
There are hundreds of Bible translators around the world, especially in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, who are diligently doing the hard work of Bible translation. They are in great need of BTAKs so they can safely store all their hard work in the cloud.
My dear prayer partners, I write to you about this because the need is so great. There are so many ongoing Bible translation projects and projects not yet begun in Indonesia and Southeast Asia right now. Will you pray with me for these communities where Bible translators would be so encouraged by receiving BTAKs?
Father God, we ask that you protect believers and national Bible translators facing persecution and the hardships of living in such remote and rugged locales.
Lord, please give Bible translators health, safety, and strength to do your work.
We pray, Lord, for the many language groups who need BTAKs. We ask that you encourage fellow Christians to give financially to provide this technology through Wycliffe Associates.
Lord, as men, women, and children finally hear and read Scripture in their language, we pray they will be drawn by Your Spirit to believe in Jesus Christ and be transformed by the power of Your Word.
May they know and love You more each day as the Gospel is preached and taught from the translated Word of God.
May all of us continue to remember to pray for national Bible translators and their communities as they hear the Word of God in their language for the first time. We pray they will grow in God’s love, grace, and mercy.