Prayer Watch: Let's All Rejoice in the Lord today!

Prayer Coordinator
Let’s all rejoice in the Lord today! He created mankind in His image. He alone is the mighty God who saves. He loves us and gives us life abundantly. He continues to do marvelous things around the world. We delight in His goodness to us, but even more we delight in His goodness to the hundreds of language groups who are today translating God’s Word into their heart languages. I get so excited every time I think of people finally receiving God’s Word in their heart language. Don’t you?
Just think, you and I have a part in God’s work around the world. That, my friend, is pretty awesome. So as we think about our part, we think about the people who are still waiting. And there, in the most difficult parts of the world, are Christians waiting for God’s Word.
Christians who face fierce opposition. Many are resigned to never seeing a Bible in their language. Not even an option. Way beyond imagining.
Yet somewhere, recently, someone heard about MAST. First a plea to Almighty God. Is this real? Is this possible? A spark of hope that very quickly becomes “When can we get started?”
We have a project called Scriptures for New Frontiers to support Bible translation projects in countries where Christians are persecuted.
Will you pray with us for our brothers and sisters in these new frontiers? Right now we are raising funds to launch Bible translations in 10 language groups in Asia. So with grateful hearts for this wonderful opportunity to help bring Scripture to millions of people—let’s pray.
- Please pray for Christians in these 10 language groups to select believers willing to attend a MAST in a safe location and be trained in Bible translation.
- Please ask God to surround the MAST translation workshops with protection from the evil one.
- Pray for the workshop leader and national Bible translators as they learn and work together.
- Most of all, pray that our God will give every national Bible translator a spirit of wisdom, strength, and peace.
- Praise the Lord with me that again we have an opportunity to be part of His work around the world!
Praying with you,
Prayer Coordinator, Wycliffe Associates