Prayer Watch: God's Word for all Peoples

Prayer Coordinator

Greetings in the new year 2021. I’m sure many of us are grateful that 2020 is in the past. Many of us suffered personal losses. Many have lost jobs and others had to learn how to work remotely from home. Is your heart heavy seeing the loss, tragedy, and grief so many are experiencing? Have you entered 2021 pleading with God to make this year better than last? Take heart, we are blessed. God is for us, not against us. We were blessed in 2020. Our God blesses us, His children, every day.
God used the worldwide pandemic to advance Bible translation in 2020. Dear friends, that is a huge blessing. You are part of that blessing through your prayers. The prayers and donations during 2020 encouraged many church leaders and pastors to take the steps required and to begin translating Scriptures for their own people. And because God’s Word is now in the heart languages of more people, many more are being saved.
The Lord led me to Psalm 67 this morning. Let’s read it together, today:
May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make his face shine on us—
so that your ways may be known on earth,
your salvation among all nations.
May the peoples praise you, God;
may all the peoples praise you.
May the nations be glad and sing for joy,
for you rule the peoples with equity
and guide the nations of the earth.
May the peoples praise you, God;
may all the peoples praise you.
The land yields its harvest;
God, our God, blesses us.
May God bless us still,
so that all the ends of the earth will fear him.
Psalm 67 (NIV)
We praise God for the blessings poured on Wycliffe Associates during the uncertain days of 2020 and it is bringing salvation to the nations and praise to God. He is blessing us still “so that all the ends of the earth will fear Him.” Just think about Wycliffe Associates vision: “A Bible in every language by 2025.”
Oh, to think that you and I have the opportunity to help all people at the ends of the earth to have a Bible in their heart language and be able to know God and honor and respect God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. All peoples will praise God when Scripture is in all the languages.
Let’s stop and listen to what our Interim President/CEO Tim Neu says before we take time to pray together for Bible translation around the world. In this video clip, Tim is speaking to us from Israel about sheep.
My dear prayer partners, your prayers bless me and our entire team around the world. When Tim spoke of tears being shed because the translators heard the Scripture read in their heart language for the first time, we catch the vision of people knowing—for the first time—that God blesses them too.
Every day we are blessed with new church partners asking for Wycliffe Associates' assistance in translating Scripture into their languages. So, let’s pray, together knowing the Lord God is blessing us all, each one.
- Please pray for Tim Neu as he leads the entire organization going forward with the blessings of a great team of financial partners, prayer partners, US and international staff and volunteers.
- Praise the Lord for the Church around the world. Where there is still no Scripture in the local language, Wycliffe Associates is prepared to assist the local church as they raise up a team to start translating the Bible into their own languages.
- Please pray for the Bible translation projects that have faced impossible odds and need for Wycliffe Associates partners to come alongside, to find out how to help them re-engage, and to continue to completion their Bible translation.
- Please ask the Lord to help Wycliffe Associates to be able to provide the technology, especially tablets, so Bible translators can work in safety and translations can be protected.
- Pray for the Wycliffe Associates Community Development team to make contact, reaching out to communities without safe water for their people and begin engaging to drill wells or capture water from mountain streams or rain, providing communities with clean water. Pray these projects will then lead to Bible translation projects.
- Please ask God to help our teams find new ways to overcome obstacles to reach the extremely remote people groups so Wycliffe Associates can introduce them to Bible translation. Even those in countries and areas of extreme persecution against Christians.
- Pray that we keep our eyes on the Lord’s desire for all people to not just have Bibles, but that all will be transformed by God’s love and salvation.
- Pray that when Bibles are available in the heart language, the Church will use them for evangelism and discipleship.
My dear prayer partners, thank you for taking time to bless the nations through your prayers today. We appreciate you so much. May God continue to bless you, each one.
Praying with you,
Prayer Coordinator
Wycliffe Associates