Prayer Watch: Continue Praying for the Persecuted

Prayer Watch Coordinator

Greetings on this day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad. I just read a devotion entitled “Easter in the Every Day.” What are we remembering every day? We remember God’s Son, sent to the cross to die for us and then we remember His resurrection.Remembering that Jesus was raised from the dead reminds us that we have been promised we too will be raised from death into eternal life. This promise is such an encouragement to believers living in hostile countries. This promise of eternal life is how we know God loves us and we are His children. It truly is a wonderful promise.
So, it is at this time we also remember that not everyone knows the Good News because not everyone has Scripture in their own heart language. Even as I write this, many New Testaments are being translated by the underground churches, hidden from sight, in hostile countries.
Yet, the work is not done. Believers in hostile countries know that God’s Word is the only hope for their people. Knowing the risks, they plead for the tools and training to translate God’s Word into their languages.
We have the opportunity to pray for them. We need to pray for the provision of funds that will allow Wycliffe Associates to answer the pleas for help. That’s what Wycliffe Associates is all about—that’s what we do. We provide help to churches around the world that do not have God’s Word in their heart languages so the people reading Scripture in their language can be transformed.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16-17 (NIV)
Let’s pray together, believing God will answer our prayers. He promises one day everyone will have the opportunity to hear His Gospel message.
- Lord, Jesus, our hearts are glad when we read in Scripture of your love for the world. Yet Jesus, we want to help the people who do not have even the New Testament in their language.
- Lord, please encourage Wycliffe Associates’ donors to give from their hearts for the persecuted church to have the Bible in their own languages.
- We ask you Lord, to provide protection over every translation team and to divinely hide the ongoing Bible translation projects from hostile authorities.
- Lord, we pray for the safety, even for a hedge of protection, for the churches that have Scripture and are trying to keep it hidden.
- We pray Lord that as Easter approaches, militant hostile groups will not disrupt the gatherings to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
- We pray Lord that you will open the hearts of the militants around the world to your great love and forgiveness. We pray they will open Scripture to read it rather than destroy it.
- We thank You, Father, for Your grace and mercy to everyone who seeks You with a humble heart.
- We pray for all believers around the world, preparing our hearts for Resurrection Sunday, and that You, our God, will be glorified in our celebrations.
- We pray in the name of Jesus, Your only Son. Amen.
Thank you, dear friend, for taking the time to pray with me. Together we will praise our God for answered prayer.