Prayer Warriors Needed Overseas

Wycliffe Associates

God leads His churches to accomplish incredible things during Bible translation workshops—so the enemy works hard to oppose God’s people. We are recruiting Prayer Warriors who are ready to attend overseas workshops to stand in prayer with the national Bible translators who are bringing God’s Word into their heart languages.
As a Prayer Warrior, you will travel with us to a Bible translation workshop for 1-2 weeks. Your focus will be to cover the entire event in prayer as you build relationships with the national Bible translators and their church teams.
Before attending the workshop, you will have recruited a team of partners back home who will stand with you and the translators in prayer during and after the workshop. You will attend an orientation to help you learn about the Bible translation process and your role as a Prayer Warrior so that you are able to focus your preparatory prayer and fasting.
Each day of the workshop will include a time of corporate worship and several times of prayer. You may be asked to lead a time of devotions. Each evening a dinner with the translation team and debrief with leadership will help you stay focused.
Throughout the event, you will meet each of the national Bible translators and facilitators, learning their specific needs to pray with them and share their prayer requests with your prayer team at home. You will find ways to stay in touch after the workshop so that you can continue to gather their prayer requests and follow their progress.
This is a special opportunity to personally serve God’s people and to be a part of new language groups having access to the Bible in their heart language.
To join this team of workshop Prayer Warriors, you will need to be:
- Able to travel internationally for 1-2 weeks
- A committed, church-going Christian
- Prepared to serve God and His church by putting on all of God’s armor in obedience to Ephesians 6:10-18
If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about this exciting opportunity to serve, please email us or call Judy Yon toll-free at 1-800-THE WORD (800-843-9673). Judy will provide you with more details about the project.
Thank you for praying and sharing this opportunity within your circles of influence to help us find the right people for this special team!