Prayer Watch: Pray for a Safe Haven for the Persecuted

Prayer Coordinator

You and I have an opportunity to bring before the Lord people who do not have Scripture in their heart language. Let’s pray for believers who live in a highly persecuted region of the world and want Scripture in the heart languages of their own people. As we prepare to pray together, I want to share the passage I read today in my devotions and it is awe inspiring!
Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name;
make known among the nations what he has done.
Sing to him, sing praise to him;
tell of all his wonderful acts.
Glory in his holy name;
let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.
Look to the Lord and his strength;
seek his face always.
1 Chronicles 16:8-11 (NIV)
Give praise to the Lord. Proclaim His name. Sing praise to Him. Glory in His Holy name. Then look to the Lord and His strength. My dear friend, we worship a Holy God who loves the world—who loves everyone in the world. His greatest desire is that all people will seek His face. He wants to give His love and joy to all who seek Him.
- Let’s begin with praise to almighty God—creator of heaven and earth. Praise His holy name in all the earth.
- Is there a song in your mind? Sing your praise to Jesus, God’s precious Son.
- Let’s bless the Lord with all that is in us.
- Thank the Lord God for the blessing of Church Owned Bible Translation training that’s available to people who have no Scripture.
- Thank the Lord that travel restrictions are lessening and gatherings are beginning to be possible again.
- Ask the Lord for protection for believers and the underground church.
- Pray for strength, peace, and the blessing of the Holy Spirit for believers who are imprisoned and persecuted.
- Pray for strength for the leaders and facilitators holding Bible translation workshops.
- Pray for the construction of a facility, a safe haven, for Bible translation training, Bible study, and worship for those from a neighbor country where Christians are persecuted.
- Pray for the landowner who wants a safe haven where he can minister to the persecuted and prepare them to go back into their country with Scripture in their mother-tongue.
- Pray that the land, construction, contractors, workers and all the supplies will be fully protected by a veil of blessing from our Lord God.
- Pray that all of the logistics that go into constructing such a facility will be smoothed out by the Holy Spirit, who is preparing the way in this country.
Dear friend, please add your own prayers as the Lord leads, so that our persecuted brothers and sisters will know the freedom in the Holy Spirit to witness, disciple, and encourage all those who seek the Lord and His blessing.
Let’s make time to seek the Lord’s face for these precious people and together we will praise Him for all He is doing to advance Church Owned Bible Translation in persecuted regions.