Please Pray for This Urgent Need

Prayer Coordinator
What an incredible year—2018. It’s nearly over, but there is still so much to do in preparation for 2019.
Did you know that there are 800 MAST Bible translations underway right now?
But the big news is—over 600 language groups are ready and waiting—still waiting. They are waiting for our help with training and technology to get Scripture into their own languages.
And that, dear prayer partners, is what we are all about. The reason we exist is to get the Bible into every language of every nation in the world. Sounds to me like we have some praying to do, my dear friends.
I’m writing to you today, asking you to join me in praying over and praying for our Tablets for National Translators campaign—to provide 200 computer tablets with translation software so MAST workshops can train national Bible translators in the first weeks and months of the new year to start translating God’s Word into their heart languages. You’ll be hearing all about this in the days ahead.
Actually, did you read the email about the Batwa people? Can you imagine that the surrounding communities think the Batwa don’t even deserve God’s Word? That they don’t deserve the Good News?
Well, obviously we think differently, and we pray that the Batwa people will be able to hear the Christmas story in their own heart language soon.
Ah, friends, you and I need to keep on praying. There are so many in our world—real people, people God loves, just like the Batwa—who think God doesn’t even know them. But He does know them, and He loves them all. I think of John 3:16 that says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life.” The Batwa need to hear this.
Over the final days of this year you will be receiving a number of messages from our President Bruce Smith. When you receive these, please stop to read and then pray over each one.
Pray for the national Bible translators at work today translating Scripture into their own languages. Eight hundred language groups! Ask God to give them the ability to complete their entire Bible translation.
Pray for the Wycliffe Associates MAST leaders, facilitators, and technicians, working through all the logistics of getting national Bible translation teams together, in safe places, for upcoming translation training workshops. Pray for their travel, health, and safety.
Pray for those who are anxious to finally have Scripture in their languages. Pray for the pastors and leaders making preparations to attend a MAST workshop.
Pray for the believers and pastors facing persecution while trying to get the necessary training, needing the technology. And then, having to do all their work in hiding. Pray their translated Scripture will all be safely stored online. And, pray for strength, health, and safety for each translator and their family members.
Pray for the technology—computer tablets loaded with all the software and helps needed for national Bible translators to accomplish accurate and clear translations for their people.
Pray for this campaign that is raising funds for 200 computer tablets that are so necessary for Bible translations to be completed and ready for distribution to the language groups who have waited so long. Scripture that tells of God’s love for all people—the Good News that they’ve been waiting for and are worthy of hearing.
Pray that the goals will be met.
Pray that the funds will come in.
Pray for the tablets to be purchased and prepared.
Pray the MAST workshops scheduled for early 2019 will indeed take place.
Pray that all the MAST attendees will have success.
Pray that their success will be to take translated Scripture, the good news, to their churches and communities.
Pray that through their success, hearts will be changed, communities will come alive and live in the light and truth of the Word of God.
When I think about it, what a wonderful way to spend the Christmas season—praying that all the people of all the nations of the world will soon hear of God’s precious gift to all mankind. That gift, the giving of His one and only Son—His Son’s birth, life, death, and resurrection. Now He is preparing to return and take His own to live with Him forever.
What an awesome privilege to pray to God, our Heavenly Father, and know that He listens, He hears, and He answers our prayers.
Praying together,
Prayer Coordinator
Wycliffe Associates