Pastor Timothy Would Not Be Shaken

Wycliffe Associates

Pastor Timothy climbed into the back seat of the cab, as he had done so many times before. But after driving just a short distance, the driver suddenly stopped the car, and two men jumped in, one on either side of Timothy.
It was a trap.
The men proceeded to beat Pastor Timothy mercilessly. Then they stole his personal belongings and threw him from the moving vehicle.
Bruised and battered, Pastor Timothy would have been more than justified to take some time to fully recover. But in his mind—in his heart—he had important work to do.
Kingdom work.
So just two days later, this unshakable servant of the Lord boarded a bus and endured a 14-hour ride to a Bible translation event, which he led. Pastor Timothy is pictured here at the event after having been beaten.
As a result of his determination, the New Testament has been translated into two Zambian languages—Lamba and Mbunda.
A volunteer, Pastor Timothy is sold out to Bible translation and its life-changing impact in Zambia. He is leading translation projects for eight languages that are not his mother tongue.
Fully committed to bringing God’s Word to a lost world, Pastor Timothy is a shining example of the dedicated Bible translators you support every time you give to Wycliffe Associates.
Thank you for partnering with him!