Online classes to accelerate Bible translation

Wycliffe Associates

Have you wondered how your skills and talents can be used to accelerate Bible translation? Would you like to dive deep into understanding the latest tools and methods? This may be your next step . . . that you can take right at home!
Wycliffe Associates Volunteer Education (WAVE) is a set of classes designed to help you learn the latest strategies and tools used in the advancement of Bible translation and learn how volunteers can be involved. This is a perfect time to learn about how God can use your skills in the best ways. Our team will help you choose a class that matches your skills and interests.
These classes are free and available online. You can work at your own pace during the course. You’ll be able to interact with the teacher and your fellow students through online devotions and discussions.
Here are a few of our upcoming online classes:
- MAST. Learn the theory behind MAST, and the revolutionary translation method which enables the local church to translate God’s Word into their specific heart language. This course presents the 8-step process of the MAST methodology and teaches how to facilitate a MAST workshop.
- MAST Theory. Learn to understand and leverage your brain’s natural processes for maximum learning and output. Covers thinking processes for retention, language acquisition, acculturation, team-building, and leadership. Participants will understand the basic principles of thinking that are the foundation of MAST as a translation methodology and how to use these principles to train translators. The MAST class is a pre-requisite for this advanced course or you must have participated as a facilitator at a MAST event.
- Prayer. Learn how prayer is practiced by the church around the world, and, through exercise and practice, become more adept in private, corporate, intercessory, and “battlefield” prayer.
- Bible Study Methods. Discuss why studying the Bible for yourself is important, learn a useful method of Bible study, become acquainted with tools and resources for study, and practice using them. Gain an appreciation for the work of pastors and scholars to interpret and apply Scripture to create an accurate understanding of what the global Church has believed and taught through the ages.
- Fasting. As a spiritual discipline, fasting includes setting aside appetites, pastimes or indulgences to focus more intently on the Lord in prayers of adoration, supplication, intercession, and fellowship. Draw nearer to the Lord, focus your intentional worship on the object of your fast, and gain spiritual depth and strength through fasting and prayer.
- Translation Tools. Take an in-depth look at each of the technology tools used in Bible translation. Work with the software that is used for written and audio translations during a MAST workshop.
If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about WAVE and these online classes, please email us or call Ruben Garay toll-free at 1-800-THE WORD (800-843-9673). Ruben will provide you with more details about the courses.
Thank you for praying and sharing this opportunity within your circles of influence to help us involve more people in Bible translation.