Mobile App Developers Needed!

Wycliffe Associates

We have a project intended to equip churches with a new suite of mobile apps to distribute newly translated Scripture to their communities. One of these new apps will link code in an image file with video clips associated with specific passages in the Bible. Another will allow people to securely save specific biblical materials to a drive so that they cannot be erased, thus allowing for swift distribution in areas where Christians cannot freely travel.
Mobile application developers are critically needed for this project. These apps must be developed in both Android and iOS. The ideal candidate will have a degree in computer science of information systems, and experience in different computer languages like C++, Java, HTML, MySQL, PHP, Objective-C, and wireless networks.
If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about this opportunity to serve, please email us or call Tim Coleman toll-free at 1-800-THE WORD (800-843-9673). Tim will provide you with more details about this opportunity.Thank you for praying and sharing this volunteer opportunity within your circles of influence to help us involve more people in Bible translation.