Like Water on a Hot Day

Wycliffe Associates

“Reading the Bible in my language was like drinking water on a very hot day,” says Ester, one of 22 national translators who attended a MAST translation workshop in Oaxaca, Mexico.
MAST is our proven translation strategy where teams of nationals work side by side to translate books of the Bible, with remarkable speed and accuracy. Ester’s team had come to begin translating the Bible into Tzetzal of Oxchuc—their heart language, one of Mexico’s many indigenous languages.
During the two-week workshop Ester and her team translated six chapters of the New Testament Book of Mark. This was the first time she had ever seen God’s Word in her own language!
“Before, some people made a Bible for us,” Ester says. “But when we saw the Bible, we couldn’t understand it. Even though the words looked similar, the meaning was different. So, to work with the Bible for my language was an honor, a blessing.”
Because Ester understands the magnitude of what the life-transforming Scriptures will mean for her people, she is deeply grateful for the opportunity to help—an opportunity made possible through the generous support of friends like you.
“I was not sure about coming to the workshop because I have a business and I received a notice that I had to move my business the day this was going to begin,” Ester says. “But I decided to come and give that situation to the Lord because this is more important.”
Thank you for standing with Ester and our brothers and sisters in Christ who long for God’s Word in their heart language.