Inspired to Translate God's Word

Wycliffe Associates

At the beginning of last year, it appeared we wouldn’t have enough funding for even a single Bible translation workshop in Eastern DRC. But God had big plans in store and was faithful to provide, making it our busiest year ever in the Central African nation.
A few months back when national translation teams for 10 language groups convened in the DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo) capital of Kinshasa for a MAST translation workshop, a beautiful thing occurred. Three of the teams, who had been working on Bible translation for a couple of years, were able to begin the workshop by celebrating the completion of their New Testaments! These translators from the Ngongo, Ngul, and Kimboma teams were elated and eager to show their finished work to the other translators, and their excitement was infectious!
Inspired by what they saw and heard, the translators from the other seven teams continued their own translation work, intensely determined that they, too, would soon have God’s Word in the language of their people.
Meanwhile, the Ngongo, Ngul, and Kimboma teams got off to a great start on their Old Testament translations and are already anticipating the day when they’ll have the entire Bible in their heart language.
Please pray with us that God will continue to move in the DRC and bless the efforts of these faithful translators.