"I'm Willing to Put My Life on the Line"

Wycliffe Associates

Your prayers and support are bolstering Christians in the most volatile parts of the world.
The Middle East is a hotbed of anti-Christian hostility, with believers being systematically targeted for their faith in Christ. Yet even as the persecution of Christians continues to swell, so does an uprising of people committed to bringing God’s translated Word to their people who are still without it. One pastor in a volatile region, when asked why he stays and serves amid these horrific conditions, quickly replied, “If I say Jesus is the ultimate example and He died for me, then I’m willing to put my life on the line—like my ultimate example, Christ.”*
This faithful servant, who must remain anonymous for his own safety, is one of many in this region who understand that death is regularly knocking on their door. But they believe in their hearts that the eternal salvation of others is worth the risk. These are the kind of people you help through your contributions to Wycliffe Associates—determined servants willing to sacrifice everything for God’s Kingdom. And they urgently need your prayers.
As of July 2018, the Bible had been translated into just 69 languages in the Middle East. And though another 188 language projects have begun, there are still 30 languages without a single verse of Scripture.
Your support today will help advance the Scriptures for New Frontiers (SFNF) efforts, which include MAST (Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation) workshops. The MAST strategy centers around groups of national Bible translators working side by side on different passages of the same book. They help each other and check each other’s work.
With your help, we are also equipping translators in the region with computer tablets, Print On Demand systems, and other resources they need to accelerate the translation of God’s Word. For their sake, please continue your support today—and pray God’s protection upon each and every one.
Note: For security reasons, the above photo is not of the quoted pastor.