“I never stopped serving the Lord.”

Wycliffe Associates

Elizabeth is one of the fortunate ones. Despite growing up in a culture in which many people are enslaved to witchcraft and other false practices, she was blessed to be raised in a Christian home and learn of God’s love for her from an early age. Later in life, after she married, Elizabeth would need to lean into that love in a very big way.
Marriage was not the “happily ever after” Elizabeth had envisioned.
Instead, her husband fell into alcohol addiction, which fueled jealousy, anger, and chronic abuse. One day, in a fit of rage, he attacked her with a machete, leaving her with severe wounds to her head and abdomen. Elizabeth survived, and eventually her husband was killed by rebels. “That’s when my suffering ended,” she says.
Despite the suffering, Elizabeth never stopped serving the Lord.
And now, at 63 years of age, she is humbled and happy to be part of the team translating the Bible for her people, the Giangan language group in the Philippines.
“We believe that Bible translation is very beneficial to us and our tribe, especially the young generation,” she says.
In 2021, through your support and the grace of God, Elizabeth and her team completed their New Testament translation. Her heart is full of gratitude because of what this means for her community.
“Our Giangan Clata brothers and sisters now have the chance to fully and truly understand God’s Word since they have it in our own heart language,” she says. “I am so grateful.”
With your continued support today, you are partnering with national Bible translators all over the world like Elizabeth, equipping them to translate God’s Word for their families, their village, and their nation. Thank you.