Here Comes the Tsunami!

Bruce Smith

“It can’t be done.”
That’s what Pastor Hans thought. He is an educated man, a seminary professor. He actually TEACHES the science of Bible translation.
So he was willing to participate in a Bible translation workshop along with 53 others to begin translating the New Testament into the Papuan Malay language.
But he “knew” not to expect too much. How much translation can we really accomplish in such a short time?
Yet these translators had an incredible piece of technology: computer tablets loaded with Bible translation software. We call them TNT—Tablets for National Translators. These digital resources empower national Bible translators to translate God’s Word themselves without waiting for foreigners.
The group began work on a Saturday, and on Thursday just five days later they completed translation of the ENTIRE Papuan Malay New Testament! The fastest New Testament translation in human history!
Stunned, Pastor Hans addressed the group—and offered a confession. I doubted God, he admitted. I didn’t think it was possible to accomplish so much so fast.
This translation strategy, he declared, “is not a wave—it’s a TSUNAMI!”
He’s right. And it’s not just in Papua New Guinea. EVERYWHERE. Word is spreading! Virtually every week, I’m inundated with urgent requests—unprecedented numbers. Hundreds of language groups are now pleading with us for the tools, the technology, the training they need to get started translating God’s Word into their own heart language.
We’ve got to hit the ground running in the New Year.
And we have the opportunity to make twice the impact thanks to generous friends who have contributed an amazing $150,000 Challenge Gift for tablets in 2018. So I’m praying we can mobilize NOW!
We’re launching a campaign to provide computer tablets for 200 translators by the end of this year, so that they can begin work in the first 30 days of 2018.
Over the next two weeks, we’ll be sharing stories that tell why these tablets are so important—but please give now as we are assembling teams to begin work in the new year. The team in Papua New Guinea finished their New Testament in only five days. Imagine how quickly translators can work with the tablets you help send!
If we can do this, we’ll see God’s Word translated into more languages in the coming year than in any single year EVER—because the technological advances are astounding—and people are DESPERATE to experience the Scriptures in the language of their heart.
I hope you can be a part of this. Just imagine how God will use your generosity!