Greek Lexicon Project Volunteers Needed

Wycliffe Associates

We are seeking experienced, knowledgeable volunteers to help prepare an English-Greek Lexicon free of copyright restriction. Please read on and share this need with your community!
We have previously shared with you the critical need for national Bible translators to have access to Bible translations under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license—so that the Bible can be freely translated, printed, and distributed today and for all future generations. And just as with the Bible, churches in every language need access to biblical resources!
But many of the biblical resources we are blessed to have in English—lexicons, concordances, commentaries—are not yet available in other languages for churches around the world. And copyright restrictions prevent us from translating them into other languages.
We need experienced volunteers to help us complete a free and open English-Greek Lexicon that can be translated, printed, and distributed in all of the major languages of the world so that churches everywhere can accurately translate the Bible into their own language.
Qualifications & Requirements for Greek Lexicon volunteers:
- Biblical Greek training and experience
- Ability to read and translate Greek to English, with exegetical experience highly preferred
- Access to and experience using Bible software (e.g., Accordance, Logos) to navigate a Greek word's lexical and morphological data, meaning of unknown words, etc.
- Knowledge of (or willingness to learn) how to read and edit XML files
- Ability to apply pre-established tagging standards with flexibility in order to accurately show the Greek text represented behind the English of the Unlocked Literal Bible (ULB)
- Commit to 15 volunteer hours from home each week
- Open-handed philosophy; everything that we create is designed to be freely shared with the global church
- Desire to serve the Lord by empowering translators to get His Word in their languages
If you or someone you know may be interested in helping us fill this need, please email us or call Jennifer Cunneen toll-free at 1-800-THE WORD (800-843-9673). Jennifer will provide you with more details about the project.
Thank you for praying about this opportunity and for sharing this with your networks to help us involve more people in Bible translation.